Romania and Italy – Reflections about International Accounting Harmonization
Professor, PhD Iacob Petru PÂNTEA; Lecturer, PhD Ştefana CRISTEA
accounting harmonization; IAS/IFRS; national accounting standards; Civil Code
Nowadays, even if not so much present in the Romanian researchers’ works, the field of international accounting becomes more and more attractive for the professionals due to Romania’s involvement in the international harmonization process and since our country has joined the European Union. Moreover, here resides the necessity and importance of knowledge in this field not only for accounting professionals but also for other categories interested in financial reporting changes. \r\nThus, the comparative studies are essential for the knowledge acquirement process’ increase in transparency. In this context, the present paper proposes a new approach of the harmonization process involving in the theoretical analysis Romania and Italy from the perspective of these financial reporting systems’ main features.