Risk in performance measurement

Author:Professor Andrew LIKIERMAN



Keywords:risk management, performance, risk, reporting, rewards, committee

In the Post-Enron era, the risk management has become one of the much debated and actual topic. In the context of corporate governance, risk management is a structured approach to managing uncertainty related to a threat, by using a wide range of instruments: from risk identification and assessment, strategies development to manage it, to using managerial resources. The paper approaches risk management from three different, but complementary perspectives: companies’ performance measurement, continuous business management, and human resource policies. \r\nThough, apparently, nothing could have been easier, the implementation and effective operation of risk management give rise to a number of difficult problems even for large corporations. Showing an impeccable professional refinement throughout its fascinating and pragmatic presentation, the author anticipates and provides the interested readers with a valuable range of answers, insights, personal opinions, advises and, more significantly, he is sharing his remarkable professional experience.