The Involvement of the Financial Auditors from Romania in the Environmental Audit Process
Assistant Prof. Ionel-Alin IENCIU, Ph. D., Prof. Dumitru MATIŞ, Ph. D., Lecturer Adrian GROŞANU, Ph. D.
M41, M42, M49
environmental audit, environmental reporting, financial auditors, environmental risk, financial reporting
Environmental reporting has emerged as an important research direction in accounting, which explores the social nature of accounting, seeks to identify the role of accounting in sustainable development and environmental resources. The wide use of environmental reports for a variety of purposes raises the question of objectivity, which can be obtained through the audit process. Environmental protection is thus an opportunity for auditors, for the accounting profession and for researchers to demonstrate that, they can control and manipulate new opportunities and new problems of the modern world (Medley, 1997). The study addresses the environmental audit and the financial audit, reflecting the way in which financial auditors from Romania are involved in certification of environmental reporting. The study concludes that both at internationally and nationally level only a small part of the statutory auditors are actually involved in environmental auditing as a result of reluctance on the uncertainty resulting from a lack of a generally binding. As an environmental audit requires different skills, the most rational way to organize this type of audit seems to be teamwork, the involvement of auditors, accountants, engineers or other experts on environmental issues. \r\n