Quality – the Guarantee of Financial Auditor’s Credibility

Author:Emil CULDA



Keywords:quality assurance, financial audit, beneficiaries (users), quality, quality control, credibility, financial accounting information, reportings / reports, professional services

This work intends to clarify certain aspects regarding the quality of the financial auditors’ activity and the way in which the practices / professional entities have to ensure it. \r\nThe key terms are defined (quality, quality assurance, quality control, etc.) and the main references are presented (IFAC standards, ISO systems and SixSigma), related to the quality assurance and control. \r\nThe authors’ ideas and concepts on the specifity of the requirements of financial audit services quality are underlined, respectively in what they differ from the ones regarding other products and services.\r\nThe article underlines the major importance of the services’ quality provided by the financial auditor, services offered to the users and also to himself/herself, that is, this importance is significant for this professional’s credibility, and the credibility, at its turn, represent the main asset of the auditor.\r\nThe main conclusions are formulated, they can represent a large number of references for defining the place and the role of financial audit services quality, in report to the society and the economic environment.\r\n