Internal control system - task in the audit planning

Author:PhD. Alexandru RUSOVICI, PhD. Gheorghe RUSU



Keywords:control engagement, risks, decisional processes requirements, management audit, diagnostic pertinence

Internal control represents today one of the most important attributes of the performance, management, the control function presenting generally speaking a summum of techniques and procedures helping to ensure performance building and maintenance. \r\n\r\nAt its turn, the performance has been defined as the fundamental objective of the management, result of monitoring the costs especially and the productive function of the entity as a whole. But the continuous multiplication of the economic competition indicators point out causes, which generates model invalidation. \r\n\r\nIn an environment in continuous changing and modernization, which introduces new technologies, management bodies of the economic entities permanently see the need for updating the strategic objectives. And starting from here, how processes within the entity and outside it with its partners are managed in such a manner to continuously provide financial information useful to create the value.