The Professional bodies have in common the commitment for education and independence

Author:Kenneth MURRAY, ICAS



Keywords:education, trust, recognition, challenges, regulatory framework, independent professionals

As professional body, it is necessary and it is also very important for the financial auditors to be good professionals, but it is not enough to be just a good professional. It is also needed that for the education process, as well as at the university level, to have the necessary elements to support and to induce the ethical independence attitude for the respective professionals. \r\n\r\nThe people for whom the financial auditors works are basing their decisions on auditor works in order to act properly in a conflict situation. The financial auditors should be independent and they should not be in such a position to promote the interest of a given party. \r\n\r\nThe auditors should not be intimidated, should not intimidate others, they can not perform any activities if they are threatened, if they are in such a situation that they can not reach any conclusion which has been suggested to them or they should take under pressure. For this reason, these elements for their defense against these kinds of constraints should be found in the legislation, in the legal framework for companies’ management.\r\n