Coordinates of the budgetary policies for the 2007 – 2010 period

Author:Associate Prof. PhD. Elena-Doina DASCĂLU



Keywords:fiscal pressure, fiscal relaxation, taxation, budgetary projections, prognosed trend

In 2007 public finances should have the capacity to ensure the budgetary reserves necessary for financing the expenses related to the infrastructure modernization and the European integration. \r\n\r\nAt the same time, it is necessary for the budgetary reserves to be established in such a manner to avoid the excessive fiscal pressure for the contributors; on the contrary, the taxations should be drafted and executed in such a manner for the economic agents to have the necessary financial reserves to develop their businesses. In other words, the taxation policy should consider having supplementary revenues by enlarging the taxation base at the same time with a fiscal relaxation.\r\n\r\nThe budgetary revenues are estimated based on the developments prognostic, on the macroeconomic indicators and on the Government economic political engagements.\r\n