French audit model, a source for inspiration

Author:University professor, PhD. Gheorghe POPESCU, PhD. Veronica POPESCU



Keywords:entities, commisaire aux comptes, acceptance, refuse, removal, sanctions

Being amazed by the resemblance of the activity the commisaires aux comptes in France and the activity of financial auditors in Romania, we considered useful to present some characteristics of the French audit model.\r\n\r\nIn ours endeavors we tried to find answers to the following questions: who should be audited, how many auditors are appointed and in what terms, the period of a mandate, which are the obligation for information and publication; how an auditor is revoked who was appointed; who inform about the obligation to organize audit which was not fulfilled and how this is punished when he/she does not fulfill the statutory obligations assumed; how it is determined the audit budget; what are the responsibilities of the commisaires aux comptes.\r\n\r\nAlthough we did not make a comparative analysis of the French and Romanian model, we are convinced that the French model validated by the practice of those 40 years of activity, can be a source for inspiration in order to improve the Romanian audit model.