The annual ordinary conference





Conference Agenda:\r\n1. The activity report of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania Council;\r\n2. Draft dEcision on the changes to be brought tot eh Regulation on organizing and functioning of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania approved by the Governemnt Decision 983 of 2004\r\n3. the budgetary execution for the year 2004;\r\n4. The budget of revenues and expenses for the year 2005;\r\n5. The statutory auditor’s report on the balance sheet prepared as of 31 December 2004;\r\n6. Draft of the action plan for the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania for the year 2005;\r\n7. Debates\r\n\r\n\r\nThe report presents the whol;e activity developed by the Chamber Council, by its Permanent Bureau during the whole 2004. It also contains a volume of data and information sinthesised and presented in a succint manner.\r\n\r\nConcerning the activity report of the CFAR Council, the main topics presented divided in seven areas of activity are:\r\n\r\nI. The Chamber Council activity for the improvement of the legal framework for the financial auditor profession;\r\nII. The financial audit market in Romania development and consolidation;\r\nIII. The continuous professional education and the Communication between the Chamber and its members ;\r\nIV. Quality assurance monitoring activity;\r\nV. The activities of the Chamber in order to increase the management effectiveness of our profession;\r\nVI. The Chamber activities at the international and European level for joining to the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), respectively to the European Federation of Accountants (FEE);\r\nVII. Further objectives for the Chamber activity.\r\n