Practical alternatives for the inflation statistic measurement

Author:Associate Prof., PhD. Gheorghe SĂVOIU



Keywords:inflation, price index, goods, production price index, deflator, GPB, the unitary export value index, alimentary goods index

Considering the provisions of ISA 315 referring to understanding the entity and its environment and assessing the risks of material misstatement, which takes into account other factors influencing the client activity, we think that the current article „Practical alternatives for the inflation statistic measurement” comes to support the financial auditors in applying the above mentioned standard.\r\nNobody wonders when hearing that the inflation appeared before the economic science, this leading to the natural alternatives in defining this process and, especially in its statistic measurement. The inflation, perceived as a diminishing in the purchasing power of the national currency, has been defined as a lack of balance between a higher increase in the internal and national prices and the not so rapid increase of the external and international prices, or a major lack of balance at a macroeconomic scale of a monetary – material nature and practically experienced and a general and sustained increase of the prices. The inflation signification represents the excess of the monetary emission or the currency inflation, in comparison with the excess of the solvable request or inflation in credit, by the excess in costs.The measurement of this phenomenon of this general and sustained increase in prices is part of the scientific science, being materialized in multiple statistic instruments, all having the name or index as „interpret”.\r\n