The annual ordinary conference





Conference Agenda:\r\n\r\n1. The activity report of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of R0mania Council;\r\n2. the budgetary execution for the year 2003;\r\n3. The budget of revenues and expenses for the year 2004;\r\n4. The statutory auditor’s report on the balance sheet prepared as of 31 December 2003;\r\n5. Draft of the action plan for the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania for the year 2004;\r\n6. The elections for members of the Statutory Auditor Commission and the appeal Commission.\r\n\r\nThe activity report of the CFAR Council:\r\n\r\na. The Chamber Council activity for the improvement of the legal framework for the financial auditor profession;\r\nb. The financial audit market in Romania development and consolidation;\r\nc. The continuous professional education and the Communication between the Chamber and its members ;\r\nd. Quality assurance monitoring activity;\r\ne. The activities of the Chamber in order to increase the management effectiveness of our profession;\r\nf. The Chamber activities at the international and European level for joining to the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), respectively to the European Federation of Accountants (FEE);\r\ng. Further objectives for the Chamber activity.\r\n