Internal Audit And External Audit Delineations

Author:University Lecturer, Ph.D. Eugen NICOLĂESCU



Keywords:audit status, audit objectives, audit management

Financial and accounting audit – external auditor: certification of the honesty, correctness and fair view of the accounts, results and financial statements.\r\nAccounting function audit – internal auditor: issuing an opinion on the control the responsible individuals have on the function and making recommendations on the measures to be taken in order to improve the activity.\r\nThe internal auditor reviews the followings issues:\r\n•Conformity audit:\r\n–are observed the dispositions, rules and procedures defined by the entity;\r\n–are observed the dispositions related to the entity security\r\nThis review covers, obviously, the rules for organizing and functioning the accounting of maintenance operations.\r\n•effectiveness audit:\r\n–If the management of this function is performed with maximum effectiveness and efficiency;\r\n\r\nThe targets set can be met with maximum effectiveness;\r\n\r\n