Internal audit - a look towards the future

Author:University Lecturer, Ph.D. Eugen NICOLÄ‚ESCU



Keywords:internal audit, definitions, professional norms, professional education, reliability

The developments in the internal audit area brought theoretical concepts as result of the researches made, concepts that should be found in a series of definitions which as a common base, but which from theory content point of view seems to differentiate although in the practice the professional norms are alike until the point of their similarity. Both managers and financial auditors understood the limited role of the internal audit and considered that this can be assimilated to different types of control, without pointing out the independent assessment of risk management, control and leadership processes.\r\n\r\nUntil now, the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania managed to develop the legal framework which regulates the internal audit in Romania and which is acknowledged by those who perform these services, and the beneficiaries of the internal audit services.\r\n