The Role of the Leader Partner in Staff Management and Organizing in an Audit Firm

Author:Daniel UDRESCU



Keywords:management, leader partner, professional services firm, team work, continuous development

The Romanian audit firms are at the beginning of a journey and need training and professional development. The leader of the audit firm is the patriarch, the one who raise issues, discuss them, solve them and change the birocracy in the organization. The ideas come in their majority from the staff, being channeled to the leadership in order to transform them in tools for producing services. The leader influences people through personal power. The topic of the article is to point out the training techniques for trainers and leaders, by characteristics and procedural steps for the management. The leader of the audit firm interacts; prepare training programs, programs for continuous development and adaptation. The article intends to discuss the necessary conditions to attain all these and presents a standard in which establishes the interest for the subject approached, gives explanations on the different working methods with the purpose to capture the interest and to clarify the main aspects of the subject. \r\n\r\nThe partners have an essential role in the audit firms or in firms providing professional services because they allow and they generate the change, but also the choice of a way of doing things. The article helps to get together the element of an effective communication about the necessity to organize the management and the profitability of the audit firm in order to have an economic growth. The attitude, which changes the behaviors, is at the base of the organization, because it brings to the surface the best aspects of the people and put them to work for the firm development. Promoting the talents and the intelligent redirection of the human skills determines the individuals in a firm to do their best. The leader partner is the expert listening the pulse of the firm, in order to understand it and to apply the optimal treatment for performance maintaining.\r\n