First Congress of the Chamber of Financial Auditors in Romania reflected in mass – media





First Congress of CAFR, which took place last autumn, represented an important moment in presenting and promoting the financial auditor profession in Romania. The inspired topics of this prestigious scientific event has been anchored in the actual realties and approached topics of a practical interest for profession development I the context of Romania joining the European Union – which now is an actual fact. \r\n\r\nHoped, nut unexpected efficient and prompt has been the mass-media reaction to the topics approached in this important Congress. As Mr. Ion Mihailescu PhD, CAFR President, stated, the echo of this important event in mass – media represents the logical consequence of the interest manifested by the public, and especially by the economic environment, for this profession activity, for its quality and objectivity which depends largely the business success in a more globalized and more exigent economy.\r\n\r\nNumerous publication and audio and video registrations have been gathered at our headquarters, mentioning here those from Radio România Actualităţi, PRO Tv, Antena 1 and Antena 3, Mesagerul economic, Afacerea, Economistul, Tribuna economică, Capital, Jurnalul Naţional, Săptămâna Financiară – their content mentioning both the Congress progress but also the topics discussed there or asked from the participants and organizers. \r\n\r\nSome titles of articles are presented here: \r\n„Economistul“ - The Financial Auditor Role in the market economy consolidation \r\n\r\n„Mesagerul economic“, edited by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania - \r\nFinancial audit, essential role in cleaning the business environment \r\n\r\n„Jurnalul Naţional“ - The financial auditor, the investor’s man \r\n\r\n„Săptămâna Financiară“ - European businesses with Romanians \r\n\r\n„PRO TV“ - The Financial Auditors in Romania join Europe \r\n\r\n„Afacerea“, electronic publication of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest (interview with Mr. Ion Mihăilescu PhD.) - Romanian auditors at the same level with the European auditors \r\n\r\n„Afacerea“, electronic publication of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest (interview with Mr. Kenneth Murray) - Romania represents and area for economic development in Europe