Quantitative Analysis Techniques in Human Resources Audit

Author:Adrian VINTILESCU BELCIUG, Ph. D.; Lăcrămioara CORCHEŞ, Ph. D.; Daniela CREŢU, Ph. D. Student; Carmen GEGEA, Ph. D. Student



Keywords:control, internal audit, human resources, data mining techniques, quantitative techniques

The management of personnel subsystem requires periodical audits and evaluation of related issues. Often though, the human resources function is overlooked as part of involvement with the organization and function prediction. Employing a model allowing the use of audit techniques would ensure the efficiency and the digital quality of the audit opinion release in general and especially in human resources audit.\r\nConsequently, this article suggests a quantitative approach to analysis techniques, integrated human resources audit, including the human resources management and some other, rather specific, elements. The article presents a data model that includes the transformation of organizational charts in databases, importing and processing of quantitative analysis using various techniques, extending to techniques regarding time series analysis and data mining.\r\n\r\n