A Study on Environmental Management and Environmental Reporting in the Case of Chemical Sector Companies

Author:Univ. Lecturer, researcher, Ionel-Alin IENCIU, Ph. D.; Associate Prof., researcher, Irimie Emil POPA, Ph. D.; Lecturer, researcher, Victor MULLER, Ph. D.; Lecturer, researcher, Carmen BONACI, Ph. D.



Keywords:transparency, environmental management, environmental reporting, chemical sector, companies

Within this study, the authors have analysed the way that environmental reporting is related to environmental management performance of the company. The study represents an empirical research that uses archival data as the primary source of information. These archival data helped to present the level of environmental reporting within the biggest 30 companies that activates on the Chemical sector, for the year 2011. The results indicate that the environmental management monitors the company’s activity regarding the impact on the environment, bringing about increasing transparency regarding environmental aspects. For assuring a high transparency level of environmental performance within a company, the environmental management structure should ensure a certified environmental management system, environmental accounting and stakeholder consultation within a company. The results of this study may be interpreted depending on several limitations. Firstly, the authors have considered data only for a one year period of analysis. Secondly, the study utilized only a few variables in order to analyze the environmental reporting practices. \r\n\r\n