Expansion on Economic Entities’ Budgets and Performance from the Employee Perspective

Author:Univ. Prof. Aurelia ŞTEFĂNESCU, Ph. D.; Gabriela Lidia TĂNASE, Ph. D. Student

JEL:M41, L25


Keywords:employees, budgeting process, performance, measurement, participatory budgets

Starting from the premise that budgets are the link between employees and performance in economic entities, the present research systemizes the subject of employee involvement in the budgeting process and the entity’s performance.\r\nConsidering the synthesis of ideas published on this topic in the specialized literature, this research addresses in a multidimensional approach the role of employees in economic entities, identifies and analyzes the means of employee participation in the budgeting process, of creating and improving the performance of economic entities. To add significance to the management decision-making process based on budgets, the authors propose a model for measuring the participation of employees in the budgeting process and by default, in the performance of economic entities.\r\n