KPMG Study: Corporate Responsibility Reporting – A Standard Business Practice Worldwide


JEL:M14, F18, F64


Keywords:corporate responsibility, business management, risks, opportunities

Reporting on corporate responsibility (CR) is now a standard business practice worldwide, undertaken by almost three quarters (71 percent) of analysed companies, according to the 8th KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting published at the end-2013.\r\nThis research is more extensive than ever, covering the top 100 companies by revenue across 41 countries, a total of 4100 companies. The 1993 survey looked at companies in just 10 countries.\r\nBased on KPMG’s survey the number of companies reporting on CR has increased by 7 percentage points since 2011. Among the world’s largest 250 companies (the G250), the CR reporting rate is 93 percent.\r\nThe challenge for companies is to use the CR reporting process to identify the most important environmental and social issues for their business and stakeholders. They can then bring those issues into the heart of corporate strategy to manage risks, unlock opportunities and build long-term value.\r\n