The Practical Implementation of Corporate Governance Principles for Romanian State Owned Enterprises

Author:Assis. Mihaela DUMITRAŞCU, Ph.D.; Prof. Liliana FELEAGĂ, Ph.D.; Prof. Niculae FELEAGĂ, Ph.D.

JEL:G30, G39


Keywords:state owned enterprises, corporate governance, social responsibility, Romania

In Europe there are some special regulations for state owned enterprises. In Romania one can discuss about corporate governance starting with the year 2001, when the first code was established by the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Through the present research the authors analyze the principles of corporate governance in state owned enterprises, seeing that most studies are focused on the listed companies. However, in Romania one can see only a formal implementation of the corporate governance principles in accordance with The Government Emergency Ordinance No. 109/2011.\r\n