The Selective Investigation of Transpositions in the Audit Context: Focusing Re-Performance and Re-Calculation Activities: Practice Extensions on Cowton’s Proof

Author:Univ. Prof. Edward J. LUSK, PhD; Michael HALPERIN, PhD



Keywords:Screening Accounts, Divide by Nine Indications

The panoply of the auditor should include as many data-sifting tools as possible to ferret-out those accounts that may be in error and so would be likely candidates for extended procedures testing. Study Precise: Data-transpositions errors should motivate the search for AIS issues relative to the COSO opinion on Internal Control over Financial Reporting. Using the results of Cowton, who offered a proof that all transpositions are cleanly divisible by 9, the authors offer detailed practical elaborations on how the auditor can use divide by nine protocols in executing the audit. They have all of these test protocols, datasets and results coded in a Decision Support System in VBA: Excel that can be used by the auditor and is available from the authors free without restriction to its use. \r\n