Excel Power Pivot’s Applications in Audit and Financial Reports

Author:Senior Researcher Daniel HOMOCIANU, Ph. D.

JEL:C61, D81, D83, M42


Keywords:pivoting, data warehouse, dimension, measure, dashboard, the E2P4CAFR technique

Getting performance when generating financial reports and doing auditing work currently requires a real time management of multiple data formats and dimensions of analysis but also processing speed, flexibility, portability, automation and power of suggestion. This article brings a number of theoretical arguments and practical examples in favor of using Excel Power Pivot’s facilities in reporting and audit activities. The examples also include figures that reference video scenarios grouped in an interactive list constructed by the author. They contribute to the description of a technique useful in order to obtain complex reports with dynamic behavior and specific to business intelligence applications. This technique is symbolically called E2P4CAFR in this paper and capitalizes the Microsoft Excel’s facilities of aggregating and analysing data from databases, starting with the 2010 version of Office.\r\n\r\n