The Evolution of the Financial Accounting Concepts - Past, Present and Future (II)
Associate Prof. PhD. Paul DIACONU, University Lecturer PhD Student Nicoleta COMAN, University Lecturer PhD Student Cătălina GORGAN, University Lecturer PhD Student Vasile GORGAN
globalization, international harmonization of the accountancy practices, institutional factors, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
In the first part of the article, published in „The Financial Audit” Review, no. 6/2009, the authors make a presentation of the results of the researches conducted which regards the specialized literature in the domain and after that they make an evaluation over the impact of the globalization over the development of the accountancy concepts, emphasizing the opinions regarding the accountancy at the historical costs and in connection with the use of the fair value.\r\nIn the last part of the article, the authors make some assessments on the globalization effects and in connection with, the authors make some appreciations regarding the role attributed to the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) within this process.\r\n\r\n