Audit Financiar Volume: 11, No. 105/2013

Journal no.105

ISSN:  1844 – 8801

Editor: CAFR

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Auditor-Client Tenure Analysis and Its Effect on Auditor Independence
Author: Master Student George Silviu CORDOȘ, Assistant Melinda Timea FÜLÖP, Ph. D.
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Study on the Impact that the Trust Has on the Auditors’ Professional Judgment
Author: Univ. Prof. Liliana FELEAGĂ, Ph. D.; Univ. Prof. Niculae FELEAGĂ, Ph. D.; Mihaela DUMITRAŞCU, Ph. D.
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An Empiric Study on the Perspectives and Expectances on the Audit Report in Romania
Author: Drd. Ioana Iuliana POP (GRIGORESCU)
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Comprehensive Income Calculation under IFRS: Increasing Audit Risk for Romanian Auditors
Author: Univ. Prof. Allan HODGSON; Elena NECHITA, Ph. D. Student
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Study on the Determining Factors in Reorganization Through Merger
Author: Univ.Prof. Iuliana Eugenia GEORGESCU, Ph. D.; Irina CHIRIAC, Ph. D. Student
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Recognition and Evaluation of Human Capital: A Literature Perspective
Author: Nicoleta Maria IENCIU, Ph. D. Student