Audit Financiar Volume: 21, No. 2(170)/2023

Journal no.2(170)

ISSN:  1844-8801

Editor: CAFR

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Page 291 - 299
Ensuring the Security of Financial-Accounting Data Stored in the Database of ERP Systems
Author: Laura-Eugenia-Lavinia BARNA, Bogdan-Stefan IONESCU
Abstract(266KB) Article(466KB)
DOI: 10.20869/AUDITF/2023/170/008
Page 300 - 311
Assessing the Importance of an ERP in the Budgetary Process and Achieving Performance – Bibliometric Analysis
Author: Casiana Maria DARIE
Abstract(202KB) Article(731KB)
DOI: 10.20869/AUDITF/2023/170/009
Page 312 - 320
Do Financial Statement Auditors Recognise ESG-Related Aspects as Key Audit Matters?
Author: Magdalena INDYK
Abstract(204KB) Article(358KB)
DOI: 10.20869/AUDITF/2023/170/010
Page 321 - 330
AI Solutions Implementation Analysis using T-O-E Framework
Author: Mirela-Simina MIHAI
Abstract(202KB) Article(390KB)
DOI: 10.20869/AUDITF/2023/170/011
Page 331 - 339
The Transparency of the Supreme Audit Institution in the Republic of North Macedonia through the Analysis of Official Website Traffic
Author: Ivan DIONISIJEV, Todor TOCEV
Abstract(281KB) Article(757KB)
DOI: 10.20869/AUDITF/2023/170/012
Page 340 - 354
Organizational Practices Related to Internal Audit in Economic Entities from a Pandemic Perspective
Author: Mihai-Daniel GAVRILA, Alexandra STEFAN
Abstract(211KB) Article(510KB)
DOI: 10.20869/AUDITF/2023/170/013