Audit Financiar Volume: 11, No. 101/2013

Journal no.101

ISSN:  1844 – 8801

Editor: CAFR

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The Annual Conference of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania
Author: \N
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Internal Audit Committee – A Multi-Dimensional Approach within the National Context
Author: Univ. Prof. Aurelia ŞTEFĂNESCU, Ph. D.; Univ. Prof. Eugeniu ŢURLEA, Ph. D.
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The Panel Data Analysis of Fraud Risk in Financial Auditing
Author: Univ. Prof. Elisabeta JABA, Ph. D. Emeritus; Ioan-Bogdan ROBU, Ph. D. Student; Univ. Lecturer Christiana-Brigitte BALAN, Ph. D.; Mihaela-Alina ROBU, Ph. D. Student
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Financing Inovation Business Using an Internal Audit Based on Risk
Author: Florin DOBRE, Ph. D. Student; Anca MUNTEANU, Ph. D. Student
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Study on the Impact that the Gender Has on the Presence and Intensity of the Ethical Notions in the Audit Activity
Author: Univ. Prof. Liliana FELEAGĂ, Ph. D.; Univ. Prof. Niculae FELEAGĂ, Ph. D.