Audit Financiar Volume: 8, No. 67/2010

Journal no.67

ISSN:  1844 – 8801

Editor: CAFR

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Statutory Audit versus Financial Communication. Why and How?
Author: Prof. Sorin DOMNIŞORU, Ph. D., Prof. Sorin BRICIU, Ph. D., Associate Prof. Irimie Emil POPA, Ph. D., Associate Prof. Ovidiu Constantin BUNGET, Ph. D.
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Ethics in Audit in the Context of Financial Crisis
Author: Professor Dumitru MATIŞ, Ph. D., Lecturer Cristina Alexandrina ŞTEFĂNESCU, Ph. D., Ovidiu CERNEA, Ph. D. Student
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Statutory Audit of Informatized Environments – between Responsibility and Risk
Author: Professor Gheorghe POPESCU, Ph. D., Associate Professor Gheorghe LEPĂDATU, Ph. D., Lecturer Veronica Adriana POPESCU, Ph. D., Assistant Cristina Raluca POPESCU, Ph. D.
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The Use of Data Mining Techniques as a Complementary Audit Method
Author: Adrian VINTILESCU BELCIUG, Ph. D. Student, Daniela CREŢU, Ph. D. Student, Carmen GEGEA, Ph. D. Student
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Lease between Accounting Regulations, Tax and Legal Rules
Author: Associate Professor Silvia Lucia CRISTEA, Ph. D., Ionel JIANU, Ph. D. Student
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The Prudence Principle in the Accounting Regulations Applicable to the Economic Entities
Author: Georgeta PETRE, Ph. D., Alexandra LAZĂR, Ph. D
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Audit Risk, from the Perspective of the Clarified Audit Standards
Author: Martyn JONES, ACCA