Audit Financiar Volume: 7, No. 58/2009

Journal no.58

ISSN:  1844 – 8801

Editor: CAFR

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Monitoring – a Prioritary Duty Within the Domain of the Quality Assurance Activity of the Financial Auditors
Author: Urania MOLDOVANU
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Study on the Calculation of Materiality in the Financial Audit Activity
Author: Univ. Prof. PhD Nicolae TODEA, PhD Student Ionela STANCIU
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Managing in an Economic Decline: Priorities on Top Executives’ Agenda
Author: Şerban TOADER, KPMG
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Auditing – Moderator and Integrator of the Process of Harmonization of Financial Reporting with the European Directives and IFRS
Author: Univ. lecturer PhD Iulia JIANU, Univ. lecturer PhD Ramona LAPTEŞ, Univ. lecturer PhD Student Gabriel RADU
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Internal Audit versus the Guide of its Development
Author: Univ. Prof. PhD Sorin DOMNIŞORU, Univ. Lecturer PhD Daniel GOAGĂRĂ, Assistant Prof. PhD Student Sorin Sandu VÎNĂTORU
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Values, Ethics and Professional Attitude concerning Financial Audit
Author: Univ. Prof. PhD Ana MORARIU, Univ. Prof. PhD Maria MANOLESCU, Univ. Lecturer PhD Cornel Dumitru CRECANĂ