Audit Financiar Volume: 6, No. 42/2008

Journal no.42

ISSN:  1844 – 8801

Editor: CAFR

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International Conference of CAFR "Cross-border Auditor: professionalism and independence"
Author: \N
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Discounted Dividend Model- a Posible Valuation Base of Common Stocks
Author: Univ. prof., PhD Elena DOBRE, Univ. lecturer, PhD Irena MUNTEANU
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Accounting Estimates – Corner Stone for Accounting and Audit
Author: PhD Student Alexandrina Teodora BORFOAIA, PhD Student Mariana Adriana DEACONU
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The Internal Audit and the management – Partners Carryng aut the Objectives of the Entity
Author: PhD. Partenie DUMBRAVĂ, PhD. student Cornel CRIŞAN
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The „cybernetic“ approach of the quality control system in audit companies
Author: Univ. prof., PhD. Gheorghe POPESCU, PhD. Veronica POPESCU, PhD. Cristina-Raluca POPESCU
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Current Developments in the Activity of IASB
Author: Otilia MANTELERS, ACCA
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Foreign Press Review
Author: Monica BIZON, Ph.D. Student,
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The International Conference: "Cross-border Auditor: Professionalism and Independence"
Author: \N