Audit Financiar Volume: 4, No. 12/2006

Journal no.12

ISSN:  1844 – 8801

Editor: CAFR

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Workshop - Financial Audit Approaches in year 2006– Iaşi
Author: University professor, PhD. Ion MIHĂILESCU
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Principles, Rules and Incompatibilities in Ensuring the Audit Independence and Objectivity
Author: Francois MECHIN
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It is out of question to impose ethical standards below the level imposed by the IFAC Code of Ethics
Author: Yiannakis THEOKLITOU
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A conscious auditor should have skills and ... attitudes besides!
Author: University professor, PhD. Pavel NĂSTASE
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Main characteristics of the insurance companies audit
Author: Nicolas ROBERT
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Rigors in credit institution audit and in listed companies audit
Author: Ahmed HASSAN
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Relation internal auditing - corporate governance
Author: Lecturer, PhD. Camelia Liliana DOBROŢEANU, Associate Prof. PhD. Laurenţiu DOBROŢEANU
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Internal control system - task in the audit planning
Author: PhD. Alexandru RUSOVICI, PhD. Gheorghe RUSU
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A new challenge for auditors: International Educational Standard 8
Author: Lecturer PhD. Daniel BOTEZ
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Practical subtleties of bonds mechanisms
Author: Univ. Prof., PhD Elena DOBRE
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„Global competition leads countries to chase growth through lowering tax “ (KPMG study)
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